The Safeguard Issue #1 Making Acquaintances Page 1 Front Cover: Nisha standing in the center of the cover, looking nervously at a crowd of youthful geeky-kids surrounding her, all clutching copies of "The Safeguard" comic book to their chests with heart bubbles bursting over their heads. Page 2 Inside Front Cover: The trio standing together in real life, in a dream bubble they are striking the same pose with costumes. Credits: Ryan Somma, Author Robert Ricobaldi, Illustrator Page 3 1. 3/4 Page: Close up of a flier posted on a tac-board, framed by a clutter of other notecards, scrapapers, and fliers requesting carpools, selling sports tickets, etc. Flier: "Wanna Make a Difference? Looking to Assemble a team of crimefighters to protect our town. Let's Make Superheroes a Reality! (Dreamers need not apply.) Welcome!" A Row of tabs below the flier read "Nisha" in cursive with an illegible phone number. Two of the tabs are missing. 2. CALEB fleeing a convenience store, "Gulp 'N Go," his pockets bursting with candy. He's approaching an alleyway where the flier is posted. He is a pale kid, surprisingly innocent looking considering he wears a black overcoat, combat boots, mascara, a spiked dog-collar, and a couple of piercings. Caption: 488 in Progress. Page 4 1. The flier at a distance, Caleb's blur running past it. The flier pulled from its pin by the wind. Nisha: [Offstage left] Oz! The suspect cut right down an alleyway! 2. The flier floating down toward the ground. Arnis: [Offstage, on radio] That intersects with Poindexter, Maz. 3. Another blur whips the flier back up into the air. We catch a glimpse of Nisha's arms, legs and torso muscular with black skin. Nisha: [Offstage right] Can we intercept? 4. CALEB bolting out of an alleyway, black overcoat flying behind him. Arnis: [Offstage, on radio] Shakti might be close enough. Nisha: [Offstage, on radio] Shakti? Can you handle it? 5. Caleb coming to a sudden stop, looking down in surprise. Ziggy: [Offstage, bottom right] I'm in position. Page 5 Full Page Shot of ZIGGY. She is holding her self in the yoga pose ROOSTER. She wears a pair of purple, John Lennon style sunglasses. She has rings on her fingers, bracelets around her wrists and ankles, and a bunch of necklaces. She is barefoot, wearing thin-material bellbottoms, tie-dyed peace-symbol halter-top. She carries and angry smile on her face. Ziggy: Beware villain! The wrath of SHAKTI! Page 6 1. Caleb is looking down at Ziggy, towering over her. Ziggy is looking up at Caleb. 2. Same shot, Ziggy w/ raised eyebrows. Ziggy: You are intimidated. No? 3. Same shot, Caleb frowning. 4. 2-Panel shot: Caleb runs past her. Ziggy is shouting over her shoulder. Caleb: Whatever. Ziggy: Hey! Come back here Jerk! Do you have any idea how long it took me to get into Rooster pose? 5. There is a blur of Nisha entering the scene, grabbing a surprised-looking Ziggy by the shirt collar. SFX: Yoink! 6. Ziggy is being carried like a suitcase by Nisha's legs, she is obviously not happy about it. Nisha: [Offstage, above Ziggy] He took a right on Whistler! 7. Caleb leaving a sidewalk and entering the street. Arnis: [Offstage, on radio] That's right by my position. Page 7 Fullpage: Shot of ARNIS, looking calm and collected. He sits in the passenger seat of a vehicle, his laptop open in front of him, casting light on his face. He is extremely overweight, wearing a headset and a golfshirt. One hand touches the earpiece, while the other hovers poised over the keyboard. Arnis: Within moments he shall enter the realm of OZYMANDIAS! Page 8 Each of these frames is full-page horizontal. 1. Perspective from behind Arnis, looking out the van window, which is tilted down toward the passenger side. Caleb is running across the street. We can see "" on Arnis' laptop. Arnis: I see him! I see him! 2. Same shot. Caleb passed, Nisha enters, carrying Ziggy. 3. Same shot. Nisha looking at Arnis expectantly, drops Ziggy. Arnis pointing stage right. Arnis: He went that way. 4. Same shot. Nisha takes off running stage right. Leaving Ziggy twisted up like a pretzel on her side in the street. Arnis: Well that was exciting. Ziggy: $@#%&! Page 9 Fullpage: NISHA, running like an Olympic runner. She wears sports regalia, wrist wraps, a tank top, short sweats, sneakers, and a headband, all dripping sweat. Her hair is worn into short dreadlocks that stand up and she carries a look of determination on her face. Nisha: [In a Thought-Bubble] My teammates defeated, it is left to I, AMAZONIA! Page 10 1. Shot looking down on Ziggy through the front door of HEADQUARTERS, which is a large old wood house. She stands at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the porch. Caption: How did I know it would come down to me? 2. Shot of Nisha standing on the front porch, looking down at Ziggy. Both are beaming. Ziggy: Nisha? Nisha: You must be Ziggy. 3. Same shot, the two stepping closer, shaking hands. Nisha: That's a very interesting name. Ziggy: My parents were big-time David Bowie fanatics. 4. Nisha stands aside, welcoming Ziggy in. Ziggy is climbing the stairs. Nisha: Come in. I'll show you around our Headquarters. Ziggy: "Headquarters," how official. 5. Inside the foyer. Ziggy looking around. Nisha coming up behind her. Ziggy: I bet you're flooded with applicants. Nisha: Actually you're only the second volunteer. Ziggy: No way! 6. Two frame vertical shot: Nisha leading Ziggy up a staircase. Nisha: The response wasn't what I'd hoped for. Ziggy: People are so lame. Nisha: I'll introduce you to the other volunteer. Page 11 1. The two standing outside a door that's slightly ajar. A poster on the door has a picture of the starship Enterprise and reads, "Everything I Need To Know, I Learned From Watching Star Trek." Above this is a bumper sticker that reads, "." Nisha has her hand on the door, pushing it open. Nisha: This is Arnis' room. He's our computer expert. Arnis: [From inside the room] GURU! 2. From inside Arnis' room, which is lit only by the glow of his computer monitor. Ziggy stands in the doorway, about to step in, but Nisha's hand on her shoulder stops her. Nisha: You... uh... don't want to go in there. Arnis isn't the most hygienic person in the world. Ziggy: Ah... Arnis: Hi! 3. Same shot. Ziggy is leaning into the room, stretching her arm out to shake Arnis' hand. Ziggy: Hi Arnis! Arnis: Hi Ziggy! 4. Ziggy with her hands folded in front of her. Arnis leaning back in his chair. Ziggy: So you're the hacker. Arnis: Yup! 5. Same shot. Ziggy: So you can, like, break into Emergency systems to intercept calls and stuff? Arnis: Oh! That would be cool, but no, I can't. 6. Ziggy with her head cocked quizzically. Arnis with a finger to his lips. Ziggy: But you can take over surveilance cameras to watch over us right? Arnis: Ummm... Page 12 1. Nisha leans over Ziggy's shoulder to enter the conversation. She's making quotations with her forefingers. Nisha: Arnis' "superpower" is surfing the Web. 2. Close up of Ziggy giving Nisha a skeptical look. Nisha nodding vigorously, her eyes serious. 3. Arnis holding his chin up proudly, oblivious to them. Arnis: I can Google anything! 4. Ziggy looking at Arnis. One hand raised. Nisha walking away. Ziggy: Nice meeting you Arnis. Nisha: I'll show you the training room. 5. Nisha leading Ziggy up another staircase. There is a picture on the wall of Nisha with her parents. All are smiling. Nisha's father is bald and elderly, wearing a cardigan. Her mother has her hair in a perm, she is overweight and looks motherly, wearing a Sunday dress. Ziggy is admiring the pictures. Ziggy: Are these your folks? Nisha: Yes. This was their house. Ziggy: Were they, like, murdered or something, leaving you the house, and that's why you decided to become a crime fighter? 6. Continuing past the picture. Ziggy looking back at it. Nisha exiting the frame. Nisha: [Offstage right. The text is dark with clouds hanging over it.] No. Ziggy: Oh. Page 13 1. Ziggy and Nisha standing in the gym, looking at themselves in the wall mirror. Nisha has her hands on her hips. Ziggy with her hands spread, framing a mental picture between them. Nisha: So show me what you've got. Ziggy: Okay! Imagine you're a villain, making your escape down a dark alleyway and you're confronted with... 2. Two panel shot verticle. Ziggy standing on her hands, legs curled behind her back in SCORPION pose. Ziggy: This! Nisha: A yoga pose. 3. Ziggy still in the pose, looking up at Nisha. Ziggy: Not just any pose. This is the SCORPION! Nisha: Hmmmm... 4. Same shot. Ziggy: Creepy-sounding, huh? Nisha: So the bad-guys will be intimidated. [Under her breath] So long as they know the pose is called scorpion. Page 14 1. Ziggy stands upright. Ziggy: What's your super-power? 2. Nisha strikes a fighting stance. Nisha: Kick Boxing. 3. Ziggy's head cocked, not impressed. Nisha sour faced. Ziggy: That's it? Not Kung-Fu? Or Shaolin? Or Judo? Just boxing? 4. Nisha even more sour faced. Nisha: KICK Boxing. 5. Ziggy with a finger to her mouth, uncertain. Ziggy: That's still not very exotic. 6. Nisha with dark clouds over her head. Boiling over. Nisha: But it is practical. See... 7. Two panel horizontal shot of Nisha kicking a punching bag. It is practically bent in half with the force of her kick and her legs are almost a straight line she is leaning into the shot so much. Nisha: HERE! Page 15 1. Nisha smiling, looking at Ziggy who is neutral. Nisha: Whaddya think? Ziggy: Lacks finess. 2. Same shot. Nisha frowning. Ziggy still neutral. Nisha: Beg your pardon? Ziggy: You know, class. Style. 3. Nisha taking an authoritative stance. Ziggy smiling, suddenly oblivious. Nisha: Maybe you don't understand-- Ziggy: I bet you're into all those macho superheroes aren't you? Nisha: ? 4. Three panel shot, Ziggy explaining, in her own world. Nisha imagining an absurd caracature of Ziggy's description. Ziggy: You know, those rugged manly-man type heroes who dress in black spandex and carry and arsenal of guns on their back. 5. Nisha shaking the image from her mind. There is a "poof" bubble as it vanishes. Nisha: Let's go work on our SOP's Ziggy: S-SOP's? 6. Nisha leading Ziggy away. Nisha: Standards of Procedures. Ziggy: Oh... (sigh) RULES... Page 16 1. Two-Panel horizontal shot. Nisha, Ziggy, and Arnis sitting in the living room. Nisha: Okay. You need a codename. Ziggy: You mean like a superhero alias? Arnis: A codename Ziggy. To protect your identity in the field. 2. Closer on Nisha, profile. Ziggy in the background looking up in her head for inspiration. Arnis to the side, finger raised helpfully. Nisha: Any ideas what you want to be called? Ziggy: Hmmm... Ummm... Arnis: How about Yoga Girl? 3. Nisha shaking her head. Nisha: Arnis, I thought we agreed no names with "girl" or "woman" or "man" in them. 4. Ziggy sitting up excitedly. Arnis shaking his head. Ziggy: I know! I'll be Black Padamashree of Death! Arnis: Too many syllables. Nisha: Yeah, by the time I say "Bla-" whatever that is, the bad guys will have gotten away.. 5. Ziggy slumps back in her chair, arms folded over her chest, pouty. Ziggy: What's your names then? Nisha: X. Arnis: Q. 6. Ziggy rolling her eyes. Arnis shaking his head. Ziggy: Fine, I'll be W. Arnis: Too many syllables. Page 17 1. Two panel horizontal shot. Nisha, Ziggy, and Arnis looking tired and fed-up. Caption: Three Hours Later Ziggy: Blue Ninja Girl. Nisha: No names ending with "girl." Arnis: Too many syllables. 2. Ziggy slumps back in her chair. Nisha and Arnis rolling their eyes. Nisha: Amazonia. 3. Ziggy sitting up, holding a hand out to cut off Arnis. Nisha holding her hand over her eyes in exhaustion. Arnis: [Offstage] Too many-- Ziggy: No! That's good! Nisha: No. He's right it's too long. 4. Ziggy leaning over toward Nisha. Nisha peeking through her fingers. Ziggy: So? We'll call you Maz in the field. Nisha: Yeah? 5. Nisha sitting up. Ziggy leaning back, triumphant. Arnis sitting up. Nisha: I realy liked that name, but it didn't seem practical. Arnis: Then I want to be Ozymandias. Ziggy: Like the Robert Frost poem? Cool name "Oz." 6. Nisha with a sideglance at Ziggy. Ziggy sitting up with her hands on her hips heroically. Nisha: And you? Ziggy: I will be Shakti, it means "Girl Power." Arnis: I grok Shak! 7. Smiles all around. All: Siiiiiigh... Page 18 1. Two panel verticle shot of Nisha sprinting. Caption: Now. Nisha: [Thought Bubble] Almost... there... 2. Side shot, Caleb with Nisha right behind him. 3. Same shot, Nisha closer, reaching a hand out to grab Caleb. 4. Two panel horizontal shot. The VW Van coming straight for the audience. Nisha in mid-stride, looking at it, about to be hit. Through the window we can see Arnis looking terrified in the passenger seat. Ziggy is in the driver's seat, her legs pretzled behind her head, eyes wide with shock, and hands gripping the steering wheel. Nisha: ! Page 19 1. Nisha leaping out of the way as the Van rounds the corner. 2. Side shot of Nisha running alongside the van. Ziggy in the driver's window. Arnis behind, terrified. Nisha: Stop! Ziggy: I can't! 3. Shot of a brick holding down the accelerator. Ziggy: [Offscene, from above panel] This wasn't one of my better ideas. 4. From behind the van, Nisha diving head-first into the window. Legs sprawled out of it. Ziggy: Hey! What are you doing!?!? Ziggy: Don't touch me there! 5. Van screetching to a halt. SFX: SCREEEEEEETCH!!! 6. Arnis covered in sweat. Ziggy looking astonshed. Nisha in the driver's window regarding her sternly. Arnis: Huff. Huff. Huff. Ziggy: I'm alive. Nisha: You shouldn't be. Ziggy: Where's the suspect? Page 20 1. Full Page Shot of Nisha, Arnis, and Ziggy standing in front of a hotel, "Ye Olde Super-9." A sign in front of the hotel reads, "WELCOME DODORKAHEDRACON SCIENCE FICTION ENTHUSIASTIC ROLEPLAYING ADDICT COMIC COLLECTING FANATIC CARD GAMING BOMBASTIC ANIME WATCHING SPASTASTIC GEEK-A-THON!!!" Nisha: I think he went in there. Ziggy: Dang it. Arnis: Crazy woman! Page 21 1. Two-Panel horizontal shot. Nisha, Ziggy, and Arnis looking up at the hotel. Nisha: We're looking for a goth-kid at a geek-convention? This is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Ziggy: Cliche. Arnis: This is like looking for a needle in a stack of needles! Ziggy: Even more cliche. 2. Nisha starts walking toward the Hotel. Ziggy is reading a flier. Arnis is pointing his thumb the other way. Nisha: We'll run a sweep of each floor as a team. Ziggy: Hey, they've got a Dealer room! Arnis: I'll run cover from the "Safeguard-Mobile(tm)!" 3. Nisha turns to Arnis, who is shaking his head. Ziggy still reading in the background. Nisha: We need your eyes in there Oz. Arnis: I'm the computer-guy. I don't do physical labor. Ziggy: ...and a snack room. 4. Nisha frowning. Arnis with arms-folded over his chest obstinately. Ziggy still reading in the background. Nisha: You're just going for a walk. Arnis: I didn't sign up for-- Ziggy: Oh! Mint Ice Cream bars! 5. Arnis' head whips around to Ziggy. Arnis: Mint? Ziggy: ...and glazed donuts! 6. Arnis looks back to Nisha, who's lips are puckered and eyes are narrowed with displeasure. Arnis: A compromise. I'll relocate my operations to the snack room. Nisha: AFTER you sweep the floors with me. Page 22 1. Nisha at the registration counter. Nisha: How much? Registration Person: $10 for the day. 2. Nisha turns around with her hand outstretched to Ziggy and Arnis, who smile at her innocently. 3. Nisha turns back to the counter, rolling her eyes and digging in her pocket. Nisha: I'll get it. 4. The three standing in front of an elevator. A MEATHEAD, a muscle-bound man wearing a wife-beater t-shirt with his hair in a mullet, and his GIRLFRIEND, a voluptuous blonde, are walking by, laughing at them. Nisha: If he got into the hotel, then he's registered for the convention. He'll be in there. Meathead: Whatta buncha freaks! Ha! Ha! 5. Arnis glares at the two. Meathead's face turns angry and confrontational, getting in Arnis' face. Meathead: You wanna make somethin' of it freak? 6. Mondo turns away, sulking. Ziggy and Nisha look astonished in the background. Meathead is walking away. Mondo: (muttering) No. Meathead: (calling after him) I didn't think so FREAK!. 7. Diagonally split panel. The man and his girlfriend disappear behind the door labeled room "42." / Close up of Arnis' eyes noting this. Page 23 1. Two-Panel Horizontal shot. The trio is standing on an elevator. It is filled with other costumed types behind them. Nisha is rolling her eyes. 2. Arnis whirls around suddenly and says to three cloaked people. Arnis: Seek ye the fair maiden in room 42! Roleplayer: Yes? 3. Arnis leans in and fixes the boy with one eye. Arnis: But beware the ogre that keeps her imprisoned! Roleplayer: Thankyou...? 4. Arnis raises his chin proudly, places a hand over his chest. Arnis: I am the Black Mage. 5. The elevator door opens and the caped-ones run out. 6. Nisha taps on Arnis' shoulder. He looks back at her, grinning mischievously and winking at her. Nisha: What was that? Arnis: Live action roleplayers. Page 24 1. Nisha and Arnis outside of the elevator and walking down the hallway. Ziggy throws a temper-tantrum. Nisha: Okay, now we'll-- Ziggy: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! 2. Nisha looks at her, confused. Ziggy stabbing a finger at her. Nisha: What are you talking about? Ziggy: All your fascist rules and regulations! Ziggy: You're cramping my style! 3. Nisha with her hands on hips. Ziggy clutching her throat, half turned away from her. Nisha: We just started searching-- Ziggy: You're smothering me! Ack! Ack! 4. Nisha walking away in disgust. Arnis enters the fray. Ziggy still enraged, accusatory at Nisha. Arnis: I could use a break. Ziggy: Slave Driver!!! Nisha: Fine! Whatever! We'll split up! I can cover more ground without you. 5. Ziggy and Arnis casting side-glances at one another, grinning. 6. Ziggy and Arnis leaving the panel in opposit directions. Ziggy: I'll be in the dealer room. Arnis: Snack room. Page 25 1. Closeup of room number "42." SFX: Knock! Knock! Knock! 2. Meathead opens door. We can see his girlfriend in the hotel room, looking curious. Meathead: Huh? 3. Same shot. Meathead looks down. Meathead: Wha? 4. From Meathead's perspective, looking down on the Roleplayers from in the Elevator, all brandishing swords. Roleplayers: Surrender the the Fair Maiden! 5. Meathead, angry. Meathead: Screw off Runts! 6. Meathead, suprised. SFX: WHACK! Meathead: Ow! My shin! 7. Meathead, in pain. SFX: WHACK! WHACK! Meathead: Ow! Ow! Stop! 8. Empty space where Meathead's head was. SFX: WHACK-A! WHACK-A! WHACK! WHACK! Meathead: [Offscene, below panel.] Ow! No! Agh! Page 26 1. Arnis is sitting at a table with his laptop and headset, eating an ice cream bar. He's wearing headphones with a microphone. Nisha: [through earphone] Third floor cleared. Arnis: Acknowledged! (mmmm... Mint!) Nisha: Hey Oz, can you pull up some contact info for security at this gig? We might be able to coordinate. Arnis: Navigating to the convention website now. 2. Shot of the laptop screen "Loading." Roleplayer01: [Offscene] I'll cast a Hold Animal spell. Dungeon Master: [Offscene] It has no effect because the Giant Spider isn't an animal, it's an insect. 3. Arnis rips off his headset, outraged. A group of roleplayers and their dungeon master look suprised in the background. Arnis: WHAT!?!? 4. Arnis and DUNGEON MASTER both standing up, in each other's face. Arnis slobbering with rage, Dungeon Master responding with righteous anger. Dungeon Master: Spiders are not animals. Arnis: Spiders are part of the animal kingdom you ignorant buffoon! Dungeon Master: Mind your own business! 5. Arnis standing up straight, finger raised for emphasis. Arnis: I will not stand idly by while some inept Dungeon Master abuses his players! Dungeon Master: Bite Me Fanboy! 6. Shot of the headset on the floor Arnis: [Offscreen] No! You bite me! I was playing Dungeons and Dragons back when it was just a photocopied handout! Dungeon Master:[offscreen] Ha! I was part of Gary Gygax's original group of test-gamers! Nisha: [Through headset] Oz? Are you there? Oz? Page 27 1. Ziggy is prowling the dealer room, looking left and right. 2. Ziggy comes face to face with Caleb. 3. They look at one another in suprise. Caleb frozen in mid-step. 4. Ziggy is holding up a black t-shirt with the arrows of chaos on it with a big smile on her face. Caleb looks confused. Ziggy: COOL! 5. Ziggy turns to the salesperson. Caleb sneaks past her. Ziggy: How much? 6. Caleb walking away with a look of relief on his face. Ziggy in the background talking with the faceless dealer. Dealer: $40 Ziggy: Funny. It doesn't look made of gold. Caleb: Phew! Page 28 1. Nisha is sitting on a curb in front of hotel, holding the cellphone to her ear and looking very discouraged. Nisha: Arnis? Are you there Arnis? 2. Nisha's shouler's slump. Nisha: Sigh. Geek: [offscreen] Lift up thine eyes oh radiant maiden for your knight in shining armor has arrived! 3. Nisha looks up at a freckled-faced kid wearing thick glasses and a goofy grin. Nisha: Huh? Geek: May I sit? 4. Nisha looks like she'd rather be elsewhere. Geek sits at attention beside her. Nisha: It's a free country. Geek: You know I have a level 20 Wizard in Forever Realms. Do you play online games? 5. Same shot. Nisha: I play soccer. Geek: I mean community games. I do the LAN Deathmatch thing from time to time myself; although, I find sports video games kinda dumb. We should hang out online sometime. 6. Geek smiles at her invitingly, eyebrows raised seductively. Nisha regards him as if he'd grown another arm out of his forehead. Geek: I can get you into the guild. Page 29 Full Page: The bully is staggering along the hallway, covered with roleplayers. More roleplayers are running toward him down the hall. Other roleplayers are carrying his suprised-looking girlfriend away. Roleplayers: Reinforcements! SFX: WHACK! OMG! BAMMA! WTF? CRASH! OH THE HUMANITY! Page 30 1. Two frame horizontal shot of 3 roleplayers all smiling, the perspective is from behind a Dungeon Master's playing screen. The Dungeon Master sits in the background, sulking. Arnis: [Offscreen] All right Perin Dragonsbane, make a savings throw! 2. Side shot of roleplayer looking at his character sheet. Arnis sitting proudly behind the screen. Roleplayer01: My constitution's 17, so this should be no problem. Arnis: And your magical codpiece gives you +1 defense against infection! 3. Roleplayer01 looking at the dice. Arnis with arms thrown up in victory. Roleplayer01: 20! Arnis: The troll cooties do no harm! Announcer: [through PA system] The Fright Night costume ball will begin in fifteen minutes. 4. Arnis stands up suddenly. Arnis: Whoops! I gotta bolt! 5. Arnis thinking. Arnis: Ummmm... 5,000 experience for everybody! Roleplayer01: Level up! Roleplayer02: Level up! Roleplayer03: Level up! 6. Shot of the old Dungeon Master standing behind the screen. Dungeon Master: Ahem. 7. Shot of roleplayers glaring at him. 8. Shot of Dungeon Master looking worried. Page 31 1. Nisha sitting on the curb, looking up and away from the Geek, bored. Geek: Blah blah 20th level wizard. Blah dragons blah blah. Magical sword blah blah I'm so cool. Geek02: [offscene] Can I get your autograph? 2. Geek02 stands at attention, clutching a comic to his chest. Geek looks at him suspiciously. Nisha looks taken off guard. Nisha: Autograph? Geek: You're the model for "Annihilina," right? 3. Nisha takes the comic, looking at it. Geek and Geek02 argue in the background. Nisha: ? Geek: That artist doesn't use models! Geek02: Duh! I was being smooth. 4. Shot of the comic in Nisha's hands. The cover reads "Annihilina" and has a picture of a woman superhero brandishing a ridiculously large sword. Her thonged butt sticks out and her breasts protrude absurdly with classic sci-fi rockets on them. Geek: [Offscene] Smooth like being clobbered with a bag full of kittens! 5. Nisha looking up from the comic, her eyes wide with the announcement. The geeks continue to argue in the background. Announcer: [Offscene] The Fright Night costume ball will begin in fifteen minutes. 6. Nisha takes off running. Geek02 reaching out toward Nisha in panic. Geek02: Hey! My Annihilina issue 0 foil cover ashcan! Page 32 1. Ziggy's looking at jewelry. She's wearing Spider-Jerusalem sunglasses and the Arrows of chaos shirt. Behind her some people wearing cloaks are walking by. 2. Ziggy grabbing a cloak, yanking a guy backward. SFX: YOINK! Ziggy: Coolio! Where'd you get this cloak? Cloaked Person: HYURK! 3. Cloaked person rounds on her. Ziggy looks unfazed. Cloaked Person: Hey! Show some respect! I am Yawgmoth, Slayer of--! Ziggy: Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. The cloak. Where can I get one? 4. Cloaked person points, frowning. Ziggy excited. Ziggy: Sweet! 5. Ziggy at a counter. Cloaked person in the background, giving her a rasberry. Ziggy holding up a cloak. Ziggy: I want this! 6. Ziggy looking up at the ceiling at the announcement. Announcer: [through PA system] The Fright Night costume ball will begin in fifteen minutes. 7. Ziggy holds up a spiked dog collar, evil grin on her face. Ziggy: One of these too. Page 33 1. Two-Panel vertical shot. Nisha is explaining to an overweight woman in a security uniform, wearing a badge that reads "CON SECURITY." The woman's head is turned away as if shaking her head and her arms are crossed over her chest. Behind her are two closed doors with a big banner that reads, "Dodorkahedracon Costume Ball." Nisha: Look, I'm a crime fighter pursuing a criminal suspect, who I believe is in that ball. Security Guard: That's a terrible costume for it then. What are you supposed to be "Jock Girl?" 2. Nisha's face, serious. Nisha: We weren't allowed names with "girl." 3. Shot of Security guard's face. She doesn't get it. 4. Ziggy and Arnis appear behind Nisha. Ziggy is wearing a pair of fairy wings. Ziggy: What's up? 5. Nisha turns to them. Nisha: They won't let us in without a costume. Arnis and Ziggy: Hm. 6. Ziggy with lightbulb over her head, forefinger extended, a "eureka" look on her face. Ziggy: We could go as nudists. 7. Security Guard with her arms folded over her chest. Security Guard: No costume is NO COSTUME! Page 34 1. Arnis with lightbulb over his head, forefinger extended, a "eureka" look on his face. Arnis: I know! 2. He gestures for Ziggy and Nisha to follow him. Arnis: Follow me. 3. Arnis gesturing to a fire-alarm with one hand, reaching for it with the other. Arnis: Behold! 4. Ziggy and Nisha look alarmed. Nisha: Arnis I don't think you should- 5. Arnis pulling the alarm. Nisha and Ziggy in panic. Nisha: That's a felony! Ziggy: Run! SFX: BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! 6. Nisha has Ziggy and Arnis by the shirt collars, reigning them in. Nisha: No! SFX: BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! 7. Ziggy and Arnis look confused, Nisha explaining. Nisha: Walk in a calm and orderly manner toward the nearest exit. SFX: BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP! Page 35 1. Horizontal Shot: The trio walking stiffly. They are surrounded with costumed geeks. 3. Ziggy has a look of wide-eyed surprise. Ziggy: ! 4. Shot of the back of Caleb's head. 5. Shot of Ziggy holding the spiked dog collar, evil grin on her face. 6. Close up of Caleb's face in surprise. SFX: Clink! Ziggy: [offscene] Gotcha! 7. Caleb takes off running, pulling Ziggy along by the leash. Nisha and Arnis look surprised in the background. Ziggy: Help! Page 36 1. Horizontal Shot: Caleb is dragging Ziggy through the crowd of geeks, knocking them to the side, wands, swords, and dice flying in the air. 2. Caleb's face looking back. Caleb: Leave me alone you weirdoes! 3. Caleb's face looking forward. Caleb: Give up! You can't hope to- 4. Caleb's eye's bugging out, tongue protruding, the collar pulled tight. Caleb: Ulp! 5. Horizontal Shot: Nisha holding Caleb up in the air by his trench coat. Her arm is rippling with muscles and she's eyeing him imposingly. Caleb: Aw man. Page 37 1. Caleb looks disgruntled standing beside Nisha on the curb. Nisha is lecturing him. Caption: Later. Nisha: I hope you've learned your lesson young man. Caleb: My name's Caleb. 2. Nisha lecturing. Caleb looking skeptical. Nisha: Well Caleb, I hope you realize crime doesn't pay. Caleb: Wasn't that an after-school special or something? Officer01: [offscene] Did somebody call in a citizen's arrest? 3. Nisha, Arnis, and Ziggy stand proudly. Nisha gestures to Caleb. Nisha: Here's your 488 officer. 4. Police Officers look confused. Officer02 is scratching his head. Officer01: The shoplifter? Officer02: Ooookay... We'll... ah... Call his parents, I guess. 5. Police Officers escorting Caleb away. Officer02: Come on Caleb. I'll give you a ride home. Page 38 1. Two-panel horizontal shot. Ziggy, Arnis, and Nisha all giving each other bemused side glances. We can see the Meathead in the background, still struggling with the roleplayers. 2. Two-panel horizontal shot. Their heads closer together, leaning in. Now all smiles and laughter. We can see the Meathead's girlfriend, now smiling happily walking in the background, surrounded with geeks idolizing her. 3. Two-panel horizontal shot. They turn toward one another. In the background we see the Dungeon Master walking by, his DM Screen split over his head. Ziggy: We must throw a party to celebrate! Nisha: Sounds good to me. Arnis: Woo-Hoo! 4. Nisha walking away with a grin on her face. She holds a paper in her hand, looking at it. Ziggy and Arnis are dancing in the background. 5. Shot of the crumpled paper in Nisha's hands. It's the comic cover from earlier, the thonged super-heroine, Annihilina. Page 39 Artwork: Nisha: Standing in line at the DMV. Everyone in the line looks zombified. In the background we can see a sign that reads, "Now Serving 42 of 1024." Another sign reads, "DMV Department of Motor Vehicles." Nisha is looking longingly up at a thought-bubble above her head. In it, she imagines herself absurdly rippling with muscles, scantily-clad in a tattered outfit, as if she were bursting out of it. With one hand she easily hefts a Humvee over her head. Page 40 Artwork: Ziggy: In school, asleep on her desk in a puddle of drool. We can see other comatose students behind her, some sleeping. In a thought-bubble above her head, she dreams of herself floating in the air in "Rooster Pose." Between her hands she cradles a ball of Chi energy, lightning bolts flying between her fingers. Her eyes crackle with electricity and her hair billows with power. She has a look of wild energy on her face. Page 41 Inside Back Cover Artwork: Arnis: Chatting online, wearing a bathrobe. We can read a chat-exchange on his computer screen that read: SPACEVIXEN: What do you look like? ARNIS THE E-MALE: I'm sort of a shorter Tom Cruise. SPACEVIXEN: How do you not implode? In a dream-bubble over his head, he is decked out in full virtual reality gear (goggle and gloves). Surrounding this is a ghost image of his "avatar," which is a broad-chested, cyber-punk (think the Borg from Star Trek), wearing even more futuristic cyber-gear, another outline surrounds this, extending off the frame, hinting at something even more spectacular. Page 42 Back Cover Artwork: Caleb: Being held up in the air by a school bully, who's shaking the change out of his pockets. There is a black eye apparent on Caleb's face. Caleb imagines himself, like a mad scientist or evil genius, standing on the shoulder of an enormous robot. It holds the bully with his collar between its giant thumb and forefinger, peering at him evily.